
Here is what I have been up to as of Summer ‘24.


Still holding down the fort at TechStyle. In the spring, I was promoted to Senior Staff Software Engineer after the completion of a major (year-ish long) project. I am simultaneously happy that it’s over, proud of the accomplishment, but also feel it was somewhat lacking. I think because many of my previous projects have had a large launch, whereas this one was mostly silent and went by without much notice at all. Which in itself is an accomplishment.

Outside of work


Jen and I were once again able to join her father for a week at his families condo in Maui, Hawaii. The trip has become almost annual for us, and savor the visit when we can.
About a month after that trip, we went to Italy for 2 weeks. This year, the reason was for our good friends wedding, in Bellagio.
We also traveled to Milan, and Florence, and some smaller towns in the surrounding areas.
3 major destinations that I have never been to before! We are hoping to travel back to northern Europe around the holidays to visit some Christmas markets, but that is still very much TBD.


One part inspired by travels, and the other part applying for citizenship, I have been very slowly learning Italian.

Day to Day

The daily life has been much the same.
Still playing hockey a few times a week. Mostly just to stay in shape, and not taking anything too seriously.


Though sailing season is now winding down. we still go out for the weekly regatta that California Yacht Club puts on. We had a pretty good season results-wise, currently in 3rd place!
The boat/crew came in 2nd in both the Newport to Ensenada, and Santa Barbara to King Harbor races. Unfortunately, I was unable to go on those long races because of other travels that we had already planned.


I have been attempting to read more this year at the behest of my wife Jen. I think shes badgering me about it since it’s one of her favorite ways to pass the time. So far this year I have read about 6 books, to her approximately 30. But who’s counting, right?

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